Altec Lansing XA3001 Manual do Utilizador

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User's guide
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Resumo do Conteúdo

Página 1 - User's guide

User's guideXA3001MODEL

Página 2 - One Year Limited Warranty

1The lightning flash with arrowhead, within anequilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to thepresence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” wi

Página 3 - Audio Subwoofer

Welcome to the extraordinary world of Altec Lansing high-fidelitysound. The Altec Lansing XA3001 system features a specially designedsubwoofer to enha


No sound fromsubwoofer or TVspeakers.Crackling soundfrom subwooferor TV speakers.Sound isdistorted.Radiointerference.No sound fromsubwoofer.Low hum fr

Página 5

Corporate HeadquartersRte. 6 & 209, Milford, PA 18337-0277, USA800-ALTEC-88 • 570-296-4434 • Fax 570-296-6887Asia/Pacific25 Canton Road, Tsim Sha

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