Altec Lansing VS-4121 Ficha Técnica

Consulte online ou descarregue Ficha Técnica para Alto-falantes Altec Lansing VS-4121. Altec Lansing 2.1 Computer Speakers, Black Manual do Utilizador

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70-year anniversary edition
Versatile sound system
with subwoofer for
PC and MP3 player
Powerful sound
Exceptional sound dispersion
Crisp high end and Impressive bass
Revolutionary, low-prole design
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Resumo do Conteúdo

Página 1 - VS4121blk

VS4121blk70-year anniversary editionVersatile sound system with subwoofer for PC and MP3 playerPowerful sound Excepti

Página 2

The Upside of downfiring? YoU goT To hear iT.Turn it on, and it roars. The VS4121blk system gets a lot of its power from a long-throw subwoofer that p

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