70 Ye a r s o f au d i o in n o v a t i o n2008altec lansing catalog
HeadphonesIf you’re going to put a sound system right up close to your ears, it better be a good one. Altec Lansing offers Upgrader, Classic and Muzx
UHP304™Over-the-head Titanium design. Perfect for studio use or relaxation.Model: UHP304 | MSRP: $89.95 (USD)UHP307™Spring steel ear hanger retains y
soundBite: “Music is very spiritual, it has the power to bring people together.” – Edgar WinterIn addition to great stereo sound for your iPod® or o
Headphones: SeriesTMMHP306™ Plug in a friend! The “Buddies” jack lets your friends plug in a second pair of earphones and listen to you
soundBite: “Listening is the key to everything good in music.” – Pat MethenyCHP307™Convenient, clip-on style headphones that t comfortably and sec
Home Audio: Powered Theater Surround Sound SystemsExperience a room lled with sound, not speakers. Our new Voice of the Theatre® speaker system
retouch this shot, or use a Euro M812 shot?Home Audio: Wireless Digital Speaker SystemssoundBite: “Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the
Home Audio: Networked Digital Music SystemsPC Audio Docking Audio Headphones Home Audio PC Audio Docking Audio Headphones
®Home Audio: Traditional Audio305 S™, 508 S™, and 510 S™ Tastes change. Technologies mature. Audio evolves. And yet some of the best speakers hit the
soundBite“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.”- ConfuciusE5543 R01Altec Lansing 535 Rte. 6 & 209, Milford, P
PC au d i o do C k i n g au d i o He a d P H o n e s Ho m e au d i o Got a deep personal relationship with music?That’s funny, so d
soundBite: “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” – Aldous HuxleyFX5051™Crisp surround sound, and no f
PC Audio Docking Audio Headphones Home Audio PC Audio Docking Audio Headphones Home Audio PC Audio: VS SeriesFor peopl
soundBite: “You are the music while the music lasts.” – T. S. EliotValue Just because you don’t have a ton of cash doesn’t mean you have to live wi
Docking Audio: For iPodDocking Audio It’s a lifestyle thing: active, on-the-go people need Altec Lansing sound systems for those times when headphone
In 1948, Altec created the rst high-delity sound equipment designed specically for home use.Model: iM414 for Zune: MSRP: $99.95 (USD) Works with
Docking Audio: For Mobile PhonesMOBILE PHONESYour mobile phone was really designed for voice communications. But so what? You can transform it into an
Orbit M™It’s portable, and it packs a punch. Once you’ve heard it, you won’t want to listen to music out loud on your mobile phone any other way.• B
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