Altec Lansing inMotion Max Portable Speaker for iPhone™ and iPod®iMT702User Guide
8Listentoanon-dockingiPodorMP3playerSeetheListening to a Non-docking iPod or Other Portable Audio Device section for specific information on u
9Enhanced Remote FeaturesThe enhanced remote lets you operate many functions of your Altec Lansing inMotion Max speaker system:Turn on your speaker sy
10Tune radio stationsIn“FM”mode,usethe or buttons.SeetheListening to the Radio section for additional information.SeekradiostationsIn“FM”
11Listening to Your iPhone or iPod1 Dock your iPhone or iPod in the Altec Lansing inMotion Max speaker system.2 Select “iPod” mode.Press the button
12Whenever your iPhone or iPod is docked and your Altec Lansing inMotion MaxspeakersystemispluggedintoanACoutlet,youriPhoneoriPodischarg
13Listening to a Non-docking iPod or Other Portable Audio DeviceIfyouhaveanon-iPodMP3playerorothernon-dockingportableaudiodevice, you can
14TroubleshootingSymptom Possible Problem SolutionSpeakersystemdoesn’trespond(nopower)ACadapterisn’tpluggedintoawalloutletor the connecto
15TroubleshootingSymptom Possible Problem SolutioniPhone or iPod didn’t chargeiPhone or iPod is not installed properly RemoveyouriPhoneoriPodfrom
16Symptom Possible Problem SolutionThe speaker system exhibits erratic or unexpected behavior.Controlsdonotfunction.Staticelectricity,momentary
17ALTEC LANSING ONE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY What Does the Warranty Cover?Altec Lansing warrants that its products shall be free from defects in material
iiWelcomeThank you for purchasing the Altec Lansing inMotion Max speaker system. Designed specifically to work with your iPhone and iPod, this system p
www.alteclansing.comHEADQUARTERS 535Rte.6&209,Milford,PA18337-0277•800-ALTEC-88.570-296-4434.•Fax570-296-6887EUROPE 13RueBeaumont
1RECHARGEABLE BATTERYCAUTION:Dangerofexplosionifbatteryisincorrectlyreplaced.Replaceonlywiththesameorequivalenttype. Do not expose to
2ContentsWelcome ...
3Package ContentsACadapterEnhanced remoteFMradioantennaAltec Lansing inMotion Max speaker systemUserGuideand QuickConnectInstructionsMiscellan
4Getting StartedHow to Install the AC Adapter1 Connect the AC adapter cable plug into the speaker system’s jack. The jack is located on the back of t
5Placing and Removing Adapters for the iPhone and iPodYour Altec Lansing inMotion Max speaker system includes removable adapters for today’s popular i
6Speaker Features and IndicatorsUniversal docking station for iPhone or iPodExpandedSoundStagetechnologybuttonTrack forward buttonTrack back butto
7Speaker ControlsTurn on your speaker systemEnsuretheACadapterisconnectedtothesystemandpluggedintothewall.SeetheGetting Started sectio
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